I want to publish something Open Access, can the University help me with this?
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2019     Views: 298

Open Access can help Northumbria University to achieve its goal of creating and applying knowledge for the benefit of individuals, communities and the economy, by increasing access to our published research. The University supports a balance of green and gold open access.

The manuscript version of a published research output can be deposited upon acceptance to Pure. The Scholarly Publications Team will ensure any access restrictions or licences required by the publisher are applied to the file. This enables green open access to your research, and will fulfil the requirements of most research funders.

In addition, the University has a fund for the payment of article processing charges resulting from Gold open access. Articles resulting from RCUK funding are able to access this, as well as any papers that the Faculty selects as they feel immediate, free access to the published version of the article would be beneficial. Further details of the University’s open access policy and how to access the publication fund are available on University Library online.